WebcamXP Resources

This post is presented for WebcamXP software users looking for design ideas for their own web pages. The minimal embellishment of these pages make them ideal to use as a starting template for your own creations. Never heard of webcamXP? Find out more about it here. Having trouble getting webcamXP set up? Try these basic instructions. Download instructions as an illustrated .PDF @161kb or as plain text @ 3kb.

WebcamXP basic javascript single source HTML sample pages:

WebcamXP (window has title and offline graphic) 
WebcamXPr (adds automatic reloading of offline main window) 
WebcamXPrv (adds camera viewer pop up window)

Beta WebcamXP basic javascript multi source HTML sample pages: Pages may be unstable causing crashes or other problems. Use at your own risk:

WebcamXPm (adds multi source support but removes automatic reloading)

If you would like to use these pages as the basis for your own webcamXP web pages, please download the archive package (.ZIP).

Do you have your webcamXP server up and running? Now your thoughts turn towards security and protecting your server address from ending up on the search engines, preventing bandwidth abuse. Here’s a summary of some ideas I compiled. (Download as plain text @ 4kb)